Rahul Mishra showcased his latest Superhero collection at the ongoing Paris Fashion Week last night. The collection showcased the designer’s skillful craftsmanship and intricate work with an array of outfits including gowns and mini dresses. Making her grand international modelling debut at the show was Bollywood actress Ananya Panday. She wore Rahul Mishra couture in the form of a shimmery black mini dress with a butterfly embellished sieve. The strapless mini dress featured a sweetheart neckline, a bodycon silhouette and an attached sieve with multicoloured butterflies on it. Ananya’s accessories included a pair of golden hoops and strap black heels. Tying her tresses in a sleek bun, the diva opted for glam makeup including kohl-laden eyes, shimmery eyelids, well-structured contours and a brown lip tint.
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According to Rahul Mishra, his latest collection was about the flora and fauna, including the insect kingdom around us. His post was captioned, “SUPERHEROES COUTURE SPRING 2024 Beyond my own comfort zone, I look back once more at those who’ve been here before me. I seek to not just appreciate the beauty or the vividness of the insect kingdom but also challenge our whole conditioning/education towards how we treat insects & feel the emotions otherwise coming from a primal notion of fear”. -Rahul Mishra
Rahul Mishra’s couture included multiple silhouettes. One of the models wore a shimmery strap gown in gold. The floor-length outfit had an A-line silhouette with shimmery sequins all over. She accessorised the look with a matching turban.
Another look included a full-sleeved shimmery silver shirt which had honey comb-like patterns all over it. She teamed it with a pair of blue jeans which also featured silver sequins at the bottom.
A male model walked in an Indo-Western attire. A full-sleeved unbuttoned kurta in shimmery gold and a pair of straight-fit pants in the same colour palette completed his majestic style.
Rahul Mishra’s couture at the Paris Fashion Week was indeed a visual treat for the onlookers.
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