Seven students of a government college in Telangana were detained on charges of killing a 21-year-old degree student at the college hostel. Identified as Venkat, the victim was reportedly beaten up and strangled to death by the accused, all his fellow mates.
The accused also included a minor.
The incident happened late on Sunday (March 3), in Telangana’s Nizamabad.
According to the police, an altercation between Venkat and his fellow mates began when the former advised an intermediate first-year student, a minor, against exam malpractice.
Subsequently, the minor student informed his elder brother, also a resident of the hostel.
Together with other students, they confronted Venkat, resulting in a physical assault which led to his death.
Venkat was rushed to the hospital soon after the incident. However, he was pronounced dead upon arrival.
Police said a case of murder was registered against the seven detained students.
Further investigations were underway.