Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma took a swipe at Rahul Gandhi over his red-bound Constitution copy, alleging that the Congress leader has been displaying the Chinese constitution at the poll rallies. Himanta Sarma’s remark drew Congress’s ridicule, with party leaders pointing out that the Constitution copy need not be of any fixed colour.
Rahul Gandhi has been seen with a pocket-sized copy of the Constitution of India. The book binding is red in colour.
BJP leader Himanta Biswa Sarma, however, alleged that the original Chinese constitution has a red cover and Rahul Gandhi has been showing the Chinese constitution at his rallies, instead of the Indian one. He argued that the original Indian Constitution has a blue cover.
“The original copy of the Constitution of India has a blue cover. The original Chinese constitution has a red cover. Does Rahul carry a Chinese Constitution? We will need to verify,” Himanta Biswa Sarma tweeted on Friday, sharing a photo of the Indian Constitution with a blue cover alongside a photo of Rahul Gandhi carrying a red cover version.
In response to his tweet, several social media users pointed out that the red-bound Constitution is a coat pocket edition, which has been presented to top Indian leaders, including the President and the Union Home Minister.
Himanta Biswa Sarma, however, on Saturday, said, “Rahul is displaying a red Chinese constitution to the people attending his meetings. Our constitution, in blue, includes a chapter called the Directive Principles of State Policy, which makes it a sacred duty to enact a Uniform Civil Code in our country; Rahul is now opposing this. That’s why I am sure that the constitution in his hand must be a Chinese one.”
The Congress mocked Himanta Biswa Sarma over the remark, with Assam Pradesh Congress Committee President Bhupen kumar Borah saying, “Himanta, while I accept you are not colour-blind, you are definitely intellect-deficit. The cover of the Constitution of India, unlike an Indian Passport, need not be of a fixed colour. It could be red, green, blue, anything.”
The Indian Youth Congress also shared photos of top political leaders with the red-bound Constitution.