A man in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur was allegedly killed by a few miscreants for not serving free golgappas. The victim, Prem Chand, was a resident of the Chakri area in Kanpur’s Safipur town and used to sell golgappas in the area.
His son, Anuj, said that his father was beaten up by a local goon, Dheeraj, and a few other men when he refused to serve them free golgappas.
He added that they beat him so badly that he died of injuries later in the night at home. Prem Chand was the sole income earner in the family and is survived by his wife and four sons. On the basis of the family’s complaint, an FIR has been filed at the local police station.
However, a senior cop said that no signs of injuries were found on Prem Chand’s body. The police have stated that the further course of action will be determined after the post-mortem report.
The body was sent for autopsy, and further investigation is underway.