Reddit User Shares Post After Getting Laid Off From Job For “Saving A Life”

Reddit User Shares Post After Getting Laid Off From Job For 'Saving A Life'

The post grabbed a lot of attention online

Losing your job, which covers your expenses, is a frightening experience. The fear intensifies when termination occurs abruptly, without any prior notice. A Reddit user recently expressed their distress on social media after going through a similar ordeal. The Reddit user, who goes by username qirad, claimed that the employer made the decision when the individual couldn’t be in the office on time after being delayed while trying to save someone’s life. 

Narrating their ordeal on Reddit, the user wrote, “Title says it all. This morning I was on my way to work when someone on the opposite side of my train carriage had pretty much dropped dead. I’ll save you the gory details, but I make sure to keep up to date with my First Aid + CPR certification. Even though I was in my work uniform, I didn’t mind getting it dirty if it meant I could help someone.”

“By the time the guy was breathing again, the paramedics & police had arrived. The police wanted me to give a statement, so I did. Due to the fact there was now a ‘biohazard’ on the train, they cancelled the service, forcing me to wait an extra hour for a train. I gave the courtesy of letting my work know I’d be about an hour and a half late to work because of this. Once I arrived at work, my boss had taken me into a meeting with himself and HR,” the user added.

Fired for saving a life
byu/qirad inantiwork

The Reddit user revealed that despite sharing the evidence about the incident, the company decided to terminate her employment. “Being in uniform while giving CPR causes a ‘negative image’ for the company I work for,” the user wrote. 

Posted 1 day ago, the Reddit post has accumulated nearly 7,700 upvotes. The post grabbed a lot of attention online and netizens shared their thoughts in the comments section.

“This is an honourable person, they should be rewarded not condemned,” a user commented on the post. 

“They only need one good employer (at a time). And the company that deserves a blast needs to get one. I can’t imagine any decent company thinks sacking someone for being late once is a useful way to do business. Let alone the reason for being late,” shared another.

“If I were the competition, I’d hire the guy just out of spite,” added a third.

“Oh yeah, post to Social Media, contact every single press agency within 30 miles and lay it all out for them. Guarantee that company will get the mother of all s***storms for this and if it is part of a larger firm, heads will be rolling,” joined a fourth. “100% put them on blast, OP! They’ve more than earned it,” wrote a fourth.

“Go to local news as well as other news sources! I think more companies that see you would be glad to have you work for them rather than fire you,” the fifth user commented. 

In an update to the post, the person wrote, “A lot of you have been suggesting me to go to the news, so I sent an email to a few of my local news stations. I got replies from two of them saying they’d be interested in doing a story. I had a phone interview with one but after I asked to not have my face or name publicised they turned me down. I’m quite a private person and don’t like having my name/face out there publicly. The other news station will be calling me tomorrow so I will write an update on how that goes.”

“I’ve also heard a lot of you saying sue/lawyer up, but labour laws in my country are not that great. I’m only a casual worker, which means they can fire me for whatever reason at any time and there’s not much I can do about that. For those asking where I work, it’s a local high-end technology retailer that I don’t want to out for the privacy reasons mentioned above,” the person wrote. 


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