The Uttarakhand Police has prohibited the use of mobile phones to make videos and shoot reels near Char Dham temples. The state police chief issued orders to the Police Superintendents in the districts where the Char Dham pilgrimage sites are located.
The measures come after many visitors to Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath, and Badrinath were seen clicking photos and recording videos, posing a huge challenge to managing the crowd. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami directed officials to ensure that nobody shoots videos or makes reels within the temple premises.
The ban has been imposed on videography and making reels within 50 meters of the temples. However, there is no prohibition on carrying mobile phones.
Director General of Police Abhinav Kumar ordered that the prohibition on using mobile phones for reels and social media be strictly enforced, and violators should be charged under Section 296 of the IPC for disturbing a religious assembly.
“Those who offend religious sentiments or violate the sacred sanctity of the Char Dhams will be booked under IPC 295A, and if applicable, under IPC 153 A(2),” officials said.
Earlier this week, Uttarakhand Chief Secretary Radha Raturi mentioned that Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami directed officials to ensure that nobody shoots videos or makes reels within a 50-metre radius of the temple premises.
“The Chief Minister held a detailed review of the arrangements for Char Dham in Dehradun today. He has given directions that nobody should shoot videos or make reels within a 50-metre radius of the temple premises. This is hurting the religious sentiments of devotees. So, to maintain the sanctity of the temple and respect the devotees, those visiting won’t be allowed to shoot videos or make reels in the 50-metre radius of the temple premises,” she noted.
The Char Dham Yatra is one of the most significant pilgrimage circuits for Hindus. The Char Dhams in Uttarakhand draws lakhs of devotees every year.